No matter how exhausted I am, first night sleep after long distance international travel usually sucks for me because of Jetlag. This morning I woke up at 4am and stayed in bed till 6am feeling extremely tired but just couldn't get back into sleep no matter how. I decided to get up early at 6am and do a live update of my first day NYC vacation here in my website. I will keep my day updated here until I sleep tonight. It's gonna be a productive day for me!
Get up and get dressed.
Ready to get out for the day! Feeling completely fresh with no make ups.
Breakfast at a nice random street deli. My all time favorite breakfast in NYC: bagel with eggs and sausage and black coffee.
Heading over to Union Square and getting ready for my yoga class.
9:30am - 11:00am
Yoga class at Ishta Yoga Downtown. It has been a long time for me not doing strentching so I feel a little bit hard to follow our yoga instructor.
Mani Pedi at Rehoboth Spa Lounge at Union Square. One thing I abosolutly love about NYC is that they have all the nail spa stores everywhere in the city and you can just randomly walk in anywhere and get your nails done! It's so enjoyable having some relaxing time doing mani pedi while sitting on the massage chair writing my blog.
Lunch with college friends. Ordered the cutest Chirashi Bowl at Hatsuhana Sushi. Always great to catch up with my awesome college people!
Back home and rest in bed...Restore energy for later tonight.
Did some shopping for my upcoming Caribean trip.
Dinner time! Korean food!
Got home and pack for Puerto Rico.
Sleep time! Need to get up at 4am tomorrow for flight to Caribean!