Thursday, January 21, 2016









在家DIY这种热巧很容易。小时候曾经用过超市里的德芙巧克力做,最后就是很悲剧,味道不够纯,巧克力很硬很难融化。所以切记要高质量巧克力,推荐用比较软的易化的比如chocolate truffles。

Keep warm in Winter! 

Friday, January 15, 2016

New Logo

Getting Excited for New Logo!!!

Official New Domain --

Good day people! I have got some news that I have changed my blog name to Croissant Dim Sum and have created my own website domain: Croissants are my favorite western breakfast food and dim sums are my favorite eastern ones. My blog will be just like the name that I will combine western and eastern culture together by featuring foods/restaurants in Europe, America and Asia. Hope you'll like it! 


It's the first snow week here and I have made this 3-hour slow boiling chicken and red dates soup for warming up the body in this cold weather. Slow boiling (also called slow fire or old fire) soup is Chinese Cantonese traditional way of cooking soup. It exacts all the nutrients from the ingredients into the liquid soup itself. People usually just drink the liquid soup and leave most of the ingredients uneaten. There're so many different ingredient recipes for different types of slow boiling soup. They are all simply healthy and delicious. 

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

烤芝士配土豆火腿 -- 欧式冬日传统派对美食




下面这个就是一种专门的烤芝士专用芝士片。它和一般的芝士不同的是,它味道更淡,质地偏软一点, 很容易烤化。博主对各种奶酪并不是很了解,具体它的制作过程有什么特殊之处,就不深究了。烤芝士的cheese有各种不同的味道,比如咸的,辣的,熏肉口味各种各样味道的都有。就像火锅有不同汤底一样,烤芝士也可以不同味道的换着吃。






Sunday, January 10, 2016

Mei Lanfang's Mansion -- Dine in History in Beijing

Mei Lanfang is the world most famous and legendary Peking Opera singer historically. One of his traditional mansions in Beijing is turned into a fine dining restaurant by his son featuring Huaiyang style Chinese cuisine. 

Don't know who Mei Lanfang is? Here is a brief introduction:

Introduction of Huaiyang Style Chinese cuisine:

The mansion's door. 
The menu written every morning in Chinese traditional calligraphy 
Cold dishes with pear tea. 
The signature Chicken congee. 
Walnut Shrimp
Pork ribs. 
Shrimp and veggie stew. 
Traditional desserts. 

The mansion itself is just like an art gallery. It has many Mei Lanfang's old pictures as well as many traditional art pieces. I felt so close to the history when dining and touring this hundreds year old Bejing traditional hutong mansion. 
If you want to get to know the traditional side of Beijing, it is great to walk around this historical residential area outside the restaurant. Houhai (Shichahai) lake is just 2 minutes walk outside the mansion. The hutong mansions around the lake are all historical houses with many historically famous figures lived in it. 
Really old bricks with historical factory stamps. 

Restaurant's information:
Mei Fu JiaYan

Da Xiang Feng HuTong 24, Beijing China

Sunday, January 3, 2016

Dinner at the Old Temple? -- Temple Restaurant Beijing

An abandoned temple converted restaurant in Beijing's old hutong community serving French cuisine. Great interior design combining restaurant and art gallery together. Also good for lunch and brunch.